About This Course:
The Call Report has been subject to many changes over the course of 2020 and continues to be impacted by economic, accounting and regulatory changes. Extensive changes took place over the course of the past few years and there are more on the horizon. Our recent challenges related to the economic crisis under COVID-19 have added to the reporting burden with changes impacting all financial institutions that will continue into 2021.
This 2-hour webinar will provide information on new, proposed, and revised changes to the Call Report with identification of specific Call Report line items impacted. Accounting guidance and regulatory changes will be discussed and presented in order to update those with Call Report preparation and review responsibilities.
Participants will receive handout materials to include a PDF version of the presentation and additional documentation required to support the topics covered in the webinar. The FFIEC 041 and 051 reports will be referenced in the presentation and materials.
What You'll Learn:This webinar will cover new accounting and regulatory matters that impact the financial services industry and require reporting changes currently impacting the Call Report. The 2020 and 2021 impact of the CARES Act and related regulatory interim and final rules resulting from the COVID-19 crisis will also be discussed.
A summary of the reporting impact and the implementation timelines for new Accounting Standards Updates (ASU) related to the following will be discussed:
- Reference Rate Reform under ASU 2020-05
- Premiums on Callable Debt Securities under ASU 2017-08 and ASU 2020-08
- High level discussion on Lease Accounting under ASU 2016-02
- Update to the Credit Loss Accounting (CECL) under ASU 2016-13 and delayed implementation of the standard
- Revenue Recognition (to include recording gains on sales of OREO) under ASC Topic No 606 and 610
A discussion of regulatory changes impacting the 2021 Call Report will be discussed. As new regulatory matters arise, they will be added to the agenda in order to provide participants with the most current training applicable for the March 31, 2021 Call Report.
- Financial Institution Letters issued late 2020 and current 2021 FILs impacting the Call Reporting process and requirements to include threshold changes in reporting status, modifications to reporting pledged securities and RC-B, reporting shared fees on securities and insurance activities, reserves on unfunded commitments for CECL banks, and changes to the Reg D eligibility definition for NOW account holders
- Accounting and reporting Troubled Debt Restructurings to include 2021 status for reporting TDRs under Section 4013 of the CARES Act and the April 2020 Revised Statement issued by the Regulators
- Risk weighting loans impacted by modifications made as a result of COVID-19
- Schedule RC-R Part I and the CBLR framework as originally reported and the changes due to the CARES Act and COVID-19
- Current status for reporting PPP loans and any associated borrowings.
HVCRE definition revisions
- Classification of HELOCs and reporting changes to open-end and closed-end lines of credit secured by 1-4 family residential properties
Who Should Attend:This review of the Call Report updates will benefit anyone responsible for the implantation of new accounting guidance, preparation of Call Report schedules or the review of Call Report schedules. This training will supplement annual comprehensive Call Report training recommended by bank regulators.