UDAAP Unfair, Deceptive, Or Abusive Acts Or Practices for Compliance Professionals A2120SP Online Course: ID# 1005959
Price: $275.00
About This Course:
Approx. Length: 2 hours
Provides a definition of an unfair act or practice, and explores cases of unfair and deceptive credit under UDAAP and unfair debt collection under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. Explains the enforcement actions used by the CFPB and proactive steps to prevent UDAAP claims.
Students will learn through a combination of instructor videos, exercises, readings, glossaries, self-assessments and more. Students will complete the course with a final exam to earn Certified Regulatory Compliance Manager (CRCM) credits.
Audience: Compliance and risk management professionals including compliance managers, officers, and other team members whose primary role is within the compliance function at their financial institution; bank examiners, bank regulators, and auditors.
What You'll Learn: After completing this course, students will be able to:
Describe the background of UDAAP Recognize unfair, deceptive, or abusive acts or practices Identify the elements that make a practice unfair, deceptive, or abusive Identify proactive steps that you can take to avoid UDAAP violations Explain how you can help your bank avoid UDAAP issues? Upon enrollment, you will receive an email from the course provider (CFTEA.org) with links and passwords to access your course. You will have full access to the course and it's modules for one full year.